The Memorial Board
Located in our Synagogues are elegant bronze memorial tablets for the purpose of inscribing and eternalizing the names of our departed loved ones.
Names inscribed on the plaque will have their Yahrtzeit observed in the following traditional manner:
- A card will be mailed each year with a reminder of the day of the Yahrtzeit.
- If a family member is unable to be present on the Yahrtzeit day to say the "Kaddish," it will be said for you at our daily service - upon request.
- Mishnayos will be studied by the Rabbi on the Yahrtzeit day.
- The memorial bulb will be lit during the month of the yahrtzeit and during all Yizkor days.
- Four times a year, on Yom Kippur, Succos, Pesach and Shavuos, the "Moleh" prayer is recited for the name of the departed, at the conclusion of the Yiskor service.
The initial cost for inscription on a bronze plaque is $500. Each year thereafter, a contribution of any size will be accepted on the Yahrtzeit day. For a memorial plaque application, please call 818 989 9539.