High Holiday Reservation Form

We're offering you a hassle-free way to make seat reservations for adults & children, order your Lulav & Esrog set, make a donation - all with one simple click!

RSVP for our Community Rosh Hashana Dinner HERE.

For more information please call 818.989.9539 or email [email protected]

Contact Info
Last Name First Name
Adult/Children High Holiday Reservations
Adults | $250
Children | $125
under Bar / Bat mitzvah
Adult Name 1
Child Name 1
Adult Name 2
Child Name 2
Adult Name 3
Child Name 3
Adult Name 4
Child Name 4
Adult Name 5
Child Name 5
Adult Name 6
Child Name 6
Lulav & Esrog Set

Chabad is now taking orders for Lulav & Esrog sets for the upcoming Holiday of Succot. If you wish to order one or more of these sets, please call our office, or mail in the form below, no later than Monday, October 14.

I would like to order the following number of sets
(Prices differ based on quality of set):

Yanover | $200 Set A | $95 Set B | $85
Set C | $75 Set D | $55  
*All orders must be pre-paid and can be picked up at
Chabad of North Hollywood on Erev Yom Tov Wednesday, October 16.
Optional Donation
We are happy to contribute $ to the High Holiday Appeal.
Payment Information
Total to be Charged
CC Type Card Number
Exp. Date
Cvv Code  